UPDATED 3/4/21
Most people really and truly do love their pets. But sometimes that love seems far away when it comes to their medical issues and a trip to the veterinarian. What we are talking about is a phenomenon that seems to happen when it is time to visit the animal center hospital.
There are a number of factors that go into a pet owner’s decision to go tp the hospital that have little or nothing to do with the pet’s health. Yet his or her health ought to be the first priority. So, when should your sick pet have to go to the animal veterinary emergency room? Below is a brief guide to help you make a wise choice.
One thing to definitely do is keep the animal vet number handy in a place where you will not forget where you put it. There are a number of great animal vets open 24-hours for emergencies. These telephone numbers should be first on your list, as well as an address and directions if you have never been there before.
A list of tell-tale symptoms follows below in this blog. If any of these are going on with your pet, it is time to visit the veterinarian. If your dog or cat is crying in pain, then go to an animal veterinary emergency clinic immediately! If you do not feel you can do this, then do not own a pet. It is that simple!

Americans love pets. 46,300,00 households own at least one dog and 38,900,000 own cats. But for as popular as animals are, Americans are not always the best at caring for them. Oh sure, they spend ample amount of money on their animals, even during the height of the recession, American’s spending on their pets did not wane. But the lack of knowledge about proper animal care is a pervasive issue.
One common question is what would require a trip to the animal hospital for emergency vet services. Is it a bee sting? A limp? Some Americans will bring their pets to the veterinary emergency center for the smallest issues, whereas some will ignore even the most blatant signs of a pet emergency.
This guide is designed to help you understand when you should and should not seek out emergency vet services. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive. If your pet is experiencing symptoms that don’t fall on this list, but you feel the situation is serious, then please skip down to the next section.
Emergency Symptons
- pet isn’t breathing or no heartbeat
- Pet is unconscious and unresponsive
- Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts over 24 hours
- Blood in vomit
- suspected broken bones
- trouble breathing
- Seizure
- Collapse and inability to stand again
- Disoreientation
- Swollen abdomen that is hard to the touch
What To Do
Call your veterinarian, don’t use email or leave a voicemail. It is important that you find someone who might be best able to diagnose the cause of your animals system. If you cannot get anyone on the phone, call a local Animal Hospital. In order to be accredited, they must have either a 24-hour phone line or a voice recording you directing your to an open hospital.
While pet owners usually claim to understand their animals moods and actions, it can still be hard to know when something is seriously wrong. Remember to trust your instincts, you know your pet better than anyone else. Don’t second guess yourself.
If you are worried something might be truly wrong, then call a local animal hospital. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.